WELCOME all new athletes looking for a Special Olympics Oklahoma Team to join!
If your athlete is school-age, the first place to look for a Team is at their school. Most school-age athletes compete on a school Team.
The Community Teams listed by area are teams that accept new athletes. Most of these Community Teams are adult age, but a few accept younger athletes as well.
If the school is not an option, and you can’t find a Community Team that fits, you might want to check out the option to become a certified Coach for your own team. If you are interested in that option, contact John Seals.
TO LOOK FOR A TEAM near your home, look at the Map below and select the icon for the area you live in. Please note: not all areas have Community Teams, so you might need to look outside your Area or consider starting your own Team.
For more information, contact Maddy Alaluf.