About Us

Special Olympics Oklahoma History

Special Olympics was founded by Eunice Kennedy Shriver. The first International Special Olympics Games were held in 1968 at Soldier Field in Chicago. There are programs in all 50 states and more than 4.4 million athletes in 226 Accredited Special Olympics Programs across more than 170 countries worldwide with 7 regional offices around the world, located in Africa, Asia Pacific, East Asia, Europe-Eurasia, Latin America, Middle East-North Africa and North America. Special Olympics, Inc. is a non-profit international organization located in Washington, DC.

Oklahoma’s first Special Olympics event was an athletics competition at the University of Tulsa in 1969. In 1972, Special Olympics Oklahoma was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is governed by a state-wide Board of Directors. Special Olympics Oklahoma is authorized and accredited by Special Olympics, Inc., for the benefit of citizens with intellectual disabilities. Today, Special Olympics Oklahoma benefits 10,500 individuals and is supported by over 13,000 volunteer coaches and thousands of sponsors, donors and volunteers conducting more than 175 sports competitions and training clinics every year.

Mission Statement

The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.

The Goal

The goal of Special Olympics is for all persons with intellectual disabilities to have the opportunity to become useful and productive citizens who are accepted and respected by their families, friends and in their communities.


Athletes carry the benefits from their involvement in Special Olympics with them in their daily lives at home, in the classroom, on the job and in the community. Families are strengthened and the community increases its understanding, acceptance and respect of these individuals.

Our Staff

President & CEO
Adrian DeWendt 918-221-9838

Chief Operating Officer:
Derek Cain 918-221-9843

V.P. of Sports and Training:
John Seals 918-217-8946

Sports and Training Director:
Brittany Dionne 918-221-8644

Finance Director:
Nguyen Nguyen 918-221-5036

Marketing and Communications Director:
Paige Martin 918-221-5047

Development Director:
Grace Simpson 918-221-8288

Special Events Coordinator:
Hayley Winkle 918-271-8632

Program Initiatives Director:
Josie Cox 918-216-9144

Health and Wellness Coordinator:
Talon Rodriguez 918-236-0906

Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator:
Maddy Alaluf 918-236-0620

Sports Assistant:
Myka Cox

Data Assistant:
Kim Largess 918-221-7104

Board of Directors

Executive Board

Stephen Bolden, Chairman

Jim Scott, Vice Chairman

Mark Wilmoth, Immediate Past Chairman

Jennifer Annis, Secretary

Nicholas Paynter, Program Representative 

Brian Matula, Treasurer

Nick Crouch, Development Representative 

Adrian DeWendt, Ex Officio

General Board

Dr. Travis Burkett

Randy Braucher

Jim Fisher

Justin Green

Kevin Gwaltney-Testerman (athlete)

Dr. Jennifer Jones

Mike Klehm

Marco Maurico

Linda McKown

Cristy Morrison

Brien Mikell

William W. O’Connor

Larry Reece

David Seabolt


We take our mission very seriously and Special Olympics Oklahoma is proud to be able to return 91% of every dollar back to program services.

Chart by Visualizer